Tuesday, June 16, 2009


There's that number again. A Telemarketer that won't let up. He's been calling for weeks. He keeps refering to himself as "brother." He says he is just waiting for me to call him back so he can send me a DVD presenation of his product. Absolutely Free! I'm in my car so I let it go to voicemail. Later I hear the same scripted speach. If I would just call him back and verify my address. So I do. At least he will stop calling. Instead of verifying my information he goes into this long schpeel about an Internet presentation. I don't even have Internet at home. I use the library and free WiFi when I can find it. When he is done I ask him to send the DVD and I will make a decision on how to proceed after I've seen it. He writes me off as a bad prospect and refuses to do so. "Everything is available on our web site" he says and hangs up.